Diversity charter
The individual strengths of its employees promote creativity and transparency and contribute to the success of Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG.
Tolerance, diversity and mutual trust form the basis of our working atmosphere. Reliability, honesty, respect and appreciation are the core values of the management’s mission statement.
Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG is aware of its social responsibility and is therefore involved in numerous bodies and committees of social institutions.
As a partner of the “Wir zusammen” (we together) initiative, a network of German companies to help integrate refugees, Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG has been training young refugees in technical professions since 2016, thereby making an important contribution to integration in Germany.
In 2017, Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG joined the "Charta der Vielfalt” (diversity charter) initiative, which aims to create a working environment that is free of all prejudices. This includes the recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in the world of work in Germany.